Edna Purviance's bio

June 6, 2018 - Re-editing Edna Purviance's family biography 2nd Draft. Photo: Leading Ladies © used by ednapurviance.org

Friday, October 09, 2009

Date change for Edna's birthday drawing and updates...

In what can be a very quiet time in the office suddenly turned into several things happening all at ONCE. And it all start Sunday, as our first snowfall of the year, brought down not only leaves, but the branches and limbs supporting them (about 17 limbs in our yard alone).

I never seen so many trees damaged in this town. It is something I have seen on television, but quite different to see, falling right in front of you, as a 20 foot limb, crack and falls right in front of us, causing a brief, whiteout. I moved both our cars, just minutes, before two limbs crashed onto the driveway.

As we worked on cleaning up, some exciting news came in about a possible Edna Purviance event next year in Niles, as part of their weekly, weekend events.

I have been asked to come down and visit one of their events and talk about maybe being part of their event. I've never been to any Niles events before, so looking forward to it.

On the same day, a work related project suddenly appeared, making that trip possible sooner, instead of later, which was very exciting to have happen. So, I will be heading down this month. Again, nothing set yet and only in the planning stages.

Because of this, I will have to move the Edna Purviance Birthday drawing to a later date, as I will be gone on the 21st. I will be moving the drawing to November 4th. That will give everyone two more weeks to enter.

Plus, the Walk of Fame folks at Facebook, finally reached over 1000 names on their Edna petition. The names will be checked and a few additional will have be gained, before the form is totally official. So if you like to show your support, please do so.

Something else happened, too. Something we have been trying for along time, but we will have to see how it develops. This came out of the blue, so we'll have to see where it leads too.

Meanwhile, the FDR Secret Air Force is working toward final stages.

More to report, but leave it for now.

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